Ancestry Chart
Jarmy Horton
Birth 163842
12 -- MA, USA
1 2 and 3 Marriage 1632
Thomas Horton
Birth 159618
18 -- Mousley, Leichestershire, England
Death 1640 (Age 44) -- Springfield, Hampden, MA, USA
2 Father 4 and 5 Marriage about 1599 -- Mowsley, Leicestershire, England
Joseph Horton
Birth 157828
27 -- Mousley, Leicestershire, England
Death -- Springfield, Hampden, MA, USA
4 Grandfather 8 and 9 Marriage 23 April 1604 -- Halifax, Barkisland, Yorkshire, England
William Horton
Birth 155026
-- Firthouse, Halifax, England
Death 1640 (Age 90) -- Suffolk, Ny
8 Great-grandfather Elizabeth Hanson
Birth about 155131
29 -- Mowsley, Leicestershire, England
Death after 16 July 1660 (Age 109) -- Mowsley, Leicestershire, England
9 Great-grandmother
Mary Schuyler
Birth 1578 -- Mowsley, Leicestershire, England
5 Grandmother 10 and 11
Mary Eddy
Birth 10 March 162527
27 -- Nayland, Suffolk, England
Death 19 September 1683 (Age 58) -- Springfield, Hampden, MA, USA
3 Mother 6 and 7 Marriage 1619 -- England
John Eddy
Birth 27 March 159739
28 -- Cranbrook, Kentshire, England
Death 12 October 1684 (Age 87) -- Rehoboth, Bristol, MA, USA
6 Grandfather 12 and 13 Marriage 20 November 1587 -- Cranbrook, Kent, England
Rev. William Eddy
Birth about 155816
28 -- Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Death 23 November 1616 (Age 58) -- Cranbrook, Kent, England
12 Great-grandfather Mary Foster
Birth 19 September 156831 -- Cranbrook, Kent, England
Death 18 July 1611 (Age 42) -- Cranbrook, Kent, England
13 Great-grandmother
Amy Doggett
Birth 16 July 159742
38 -- Groton, Suffolk, England
Death 20 August 1683 (Age 86) -- Rehoboth, Bristol, MA, USA
7 Grandmother 14 and 15 Private
John Doggett
Birth 155520
23 -- Groton, Suffolk, England
Burial 29 May 1619 (Age 64) -- Groton, Suffolk, England
14 Great-grandfather Dorothy (Family name unknown)
Birth 1559 -- Groton, Suffolk, England
Death 4 March 1605 (Age 46) -- Groton, Suffolk, England
15 Great-grandmother