
Individuals Families Others Own charts
Total individuals: 5409
Total males Total females Total living Total dead
2868 2531 141 5268
Males [53%], Females [46.8%], Unknown [0.2%] Living [2.6%], Dead [97.4%]

Total births Total deaths
5203 2331
Births by century Deaths by century
Births by century Deaths by century
Earliest birth Earliest death
King Clodius ‏(Family name unknown)‏ II ‎(IK4M4zdzC8)‎
Birth about 6
Death 20 ‏(Age 14)‏
King Clodius ‏(Family name unknown)‏ II ‎(IK4M4zdzC8)‎
Birth about 6
Death 20 ‏(Age 14)‏
Latest birth Latest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. Glorianne Adams ‎(I015)‎
Birth 13 July 1951 24
Death 31 August 2021 ‏(Age 70)‏ -- Tooele, Tooele, UT, USA

Average age at death Males Females
55 years 55 years 55 years
Average age related to death century

Top age at death
Males Females

Total surnames Total given names
904 1933
Top surnames Top given names
Stout - 126, Heaton - 94, von Kaenel - 90, Hoyt - 87, Neville - 80, Cox - 65, Burgener - 61, Other - 4806 John - 253, De - 202, William - 187, Elizabeth - 182, Of - 176, Mary - 152, Thomas - 127, Other - 4130