Compact Chart:
Catherine Patshull

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Sire Ebal de Grandson IV
1154-1235 ‏(81)‏
Ulric de Neuchatel III
Compact Chart: I924XzdzZPCompact Chart: I924Zzdz72
Sire Pierre de Grandson I
1190-1257 ‏(67)‏
Compact Chart: I924XzdzWC William de Grandison
1255-1335 ‏(80)‏
Compact Chart: I924XzdzXJ Agnes de Neuchatel
Compact Chart: I924Zzdz0TCompact Chart: I91QHzdzSTCompact Chart: I924Zzdz87
Beatrix de Geneva
1154-1235 ‏(81)‏
Yolande de Urach Arberg
John Patshull
Compact Chart: IKPMHzdz8F Catherine Patshull
1300-1383 ‏(83)‏
Compact Chart: I9Q0WzdzGX
Mabilia de Grandison
 Compact Chart: I91QHzdzWC
Robert de Tregoz
1190-1265 ‏(75)‏
Fulk Fitzwarin
1210-1264 ‏(54)‏
Compact Chart: I924XzdzLSCompact Chart: I9250zdz8B
John de Tregoz
1235-1300 ‏(65)‏
Compact Chart: I91QHzdzT1 Sybil Tregoz
1271-1334 ‏(63)‏
Compact Chart: I91QHzdzV6 Mabel Fitzwarin
1245-1297 ‏(52)‏
Compact Chart: I924ZzdzQMCompact Chart: IGLCLzdzLF
Juliana de Cantilupe
1192-1285 ‏(93)‏
Constance de Toni
1215-1265 ‏(50)‏

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