Compact Chart:
Mary Chancey

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Edmund Chancy
1630-1680 ‏(50)‏
Compact Chart: I251 Edmund Chancy
1666-1754 ‏(88)‏
Jacob Overman
1652-1715 ‏(63)‏
Compact Chart: I254 Ephraim Overman
1681-1732 ‏(50)‏
Compact Chart: I255 Hannah ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1654-1692 ‏(38)‏
Compact Chart: I247Compact Chart: I249
Daniel Chancey
1707-1733 ‏(26)‏
Compact Chart: I245 Mary Chancey
Compact Chart: I246
Anne Overman
 Compact Chart: I248Compact Chart: I250
Robert Wilson
Compact Chart: I258
Thomas Keile
1640-1682 ‏(42)‏
Compact Chart: I252 Sarah Keile
Compact Chart: I253 Mary ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1640-1725 ‏(85)‏
John Bellman
1660-1706 ‏(46)‏
Compact Chart: I256 Sarah Bellman
Compact Chart: I257 Sarah Wilson
Compact Chart: I259
Anne Blount

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