Compact Chart:
William Churchill

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William Churchill
1531-1599 ‏(68)‏
John Meller
Compact Chart: INTVNzdzG8Compact Chart: IMKV5zdzSB
John Churchill
1561-1621 ‏(60)‏
Compact Chart: IGWRJzdzPJ John Churchill
1603-1682 ‏(79)‏
Compact Chart: IGWRJzdzQP Eleanor ‏(Elinor)‏ Meller
1565-1621 ‏(56)‏
William Pontus
1586-1653 ‏(67)‏
Compact Chart: INTVNzdzHFCompact Chart: IGWRJzdz3FCompact Chart: IMKV5zdzTHCompact Chart: I52L5zdzM4
Mary Cruese ‏(Crense)‏
MrszdzJohn Meller
John Churchill
1610-1662 ‏(52)‏
Compact Chart: I8VXXzdz25 William Churchill
1656-1722 ‏(66)‏
Compact Chart: I14J4zdzLV0
Hannah Pontus
1622-1690 ‏(68)‏
 Compact Chart: IGWRJzdz4LCompact Chart: I52L5zdzN9
Sarah ‏(Family name unknown)‏
1602-1678 ‏(76)‏
Wybra Hanson
1590-1690 ‏(100)‏

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