Marriage | 1 January 1856 Union, Salt Lake, UT, USA
Source: Family Records
LDS Spouse Sealing | 10 February 1858
Source: Family Records
Note: President Wilford Woodruff canceled this sealing around 1896 at Henrietta Janes' request. She was then sealed to Joseph Smith Jr.
Globally unique Identifier | 52306F1C7D4C88EA4BD2501EC9F51D09
Last Change | 23 October 2021 - 03:40:13 _WT_USER: brasto
![](images/small/source.gif) Source |
Family Records Text: This page cited the original references: "Personal Journal of Jehu Cox in possession of David A. Richardson Personal diary of Asenath Janes. Duplicate in possession of David A. Richardson Personal diary of Henrietta Janes. Copy in possession of David A. Richardson" Note: I will replace this temporary source in time. Franklin Lyman Stout's (Lyman's) third wife, Cuella, gave each several of his descendants xeroxed copies of his records. They are low quality, so I hope to replace this source with original sources, but it's a quick reference for me to add information until then. As I add the information from this source, I'm chucking the pages. This, because: * I'm replacing it with this site, and hopefully better copies of the originals. * It's legalzdzsized paper, and therefore big and bulky. It doesn't fit with any of my books on the bookshelf, and it's too tall to go with the memory books. Yes, I'm that picky... |