Birth | 1787 31 27 Frederick, VA, USA
Christening | Frederick, VA, USA
Birth of sibling | about 1789 (Age 2) Frederick, VA, USA
Sister: Margaret Pyle (IGTK7zdzRV)
Birth of sibling | about 1791 (Age 4) Frederick, VA, USA
Sister: Mary Wright Pyle (IGTK7zdzS2)
Birth of sibling | 1793 (Age 6) Frederick, VA, USA
Brother: Francis Henry Pyle (IGTK7zdzT7)
Birth of sibling | 1795 (Age 8) Breckenridge, Bracken, KY, USA
Sister: Sarah Pyle (IGTK7zdzVD)
Birth of sibling | 1797 (Age 10) Breckenridge, VA, USA
Brother: William Pyle (IGTK7zdzWK)
Birth of sibling | about 1800 (Age 13) Breckenridge, VA, USA
Sister: Lucretia Pyle (IGTK7zdzXQ)
Birth of sibling | 20 February 1803 (Age 16) Breckenridge, Marion, KY, USA
Brother: Henry G Pyle (IGTK7zdzZW)
Birth of sibling | about 1805 (Age 18) Breckenridge, VA, USA
Brother: Hanason Pyle (IGTK8zdz02)
Marriage of sibling | 6 January 1806 (Age 19) Brother: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 20) Sister-in-law: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 16) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 22 July 1807 (Age 20) Brickridge, KY, USA
Niece: Sarah Riddle Pyle (I1CZ8zdzL0) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 21) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 17) [View Family (F326643)]
Death of mother | 1810 (Age 23) , Lexington, KY, USA
Mother: Lucretia Keyes (IBVVJzdz8D) (Age 50)
Birth of a nephew or niece | 1 March 1810 (Age 23) Caldwell, Breckenridge, KY, USA
Nephew: Thomas Pyle (I45Q6zdz48) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 24) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 20) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 2 February 1812 (Age 25) Breckinridge, KY, USA
Niece: Lucretia Pyle (I45Q6zdz5F) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 26) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 22) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 7 February 1814 (Age 27) Crawford, IN, USA
Niece: Rosannah Pyle (I45Q6zdz6L) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 28) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 24) [View Family (F326643)]
Death of father | 28 December 1815 (Age 28) Montgomery, KY, USA
Father: William Pyle (IBVVJzdz77) (Age 59)
Birth of a nephew or niece | 28 March 1816 (Age 29) Crawford, IN, USA
Niece: Elizabeth Pyle (I45Q6zdz7R) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 30) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 26) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 15 March 1818 (Age 31) Crawford, IN, USA
Niece: Martha Pyle (I2089zdzGJ) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 32) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 28) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 17 June 1820 (Age 33) Crawford, IN, USA
Nephew: William Pyle (I45Q6zdz8X) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 34) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 30) [View Family (F326643)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 15 August 1822 (Age 35) Crawford, IN, USA
Niece: Nancy Pyle (I45Q6zdz94) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 36) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 32) [View Family (F326643)]
Marriage of a nephew or niece | 13 January 1824 (Age 37) Salt Creek, Monroe, IN, USA
Niece: Sarah Riddle Pyle (I1CZ8zdzL0) (Age 16) Spouse: Jehu Cox (I1CZ8zdzKS) (Age 20) [View Family (F31093)]
Birth of a nephew or niece | 18 August 1824 (Age 37) Monroe, KY, USA
Nephew: Edward Gant Pyle (I45Q6zdzB9) Father: Edward Gant Pyle (I2089zdzHP) (Age 38) Mother: Rosannah Mary McMahon (I2089zdzJV) (Age 34) [View Family (F326643)]
Death | January 1825 (Age 38)
LDS Baptism | 7 August 1877 (52 years after death)
Source: Family Records
LDS Endowment | 12 September 1877 (52 years after death)
Source: Family Records
Ancestral File Number (AFN) | GKC5ZDZJ7
Globally unique Identifier | F7A7706925C5AE68495AF8BE87122AF1